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Midcoast Pet Cremations

We believe it your right to ask questions about the cremation of your pet and we are more than happy to answer any questions or reservations you may have.

  • Why Choose Cremation?
    Compared with burial costs, cremation is a much more affordable option and for pet owners who are renting or just not sure where they want their pet to finally be laid to rest it is a perfect option. Perhaps you want to scatter your pet’s ashes in their favourite place or keep them close to you cremation allows you the flexibility to choose your pet’s final resting place when you are ready.
  • What is cremation?
    Cremation is the use of a purpose-built pet only cremator that outputs extremely high temperature to reduce your pet’s body to its basic elements, and in turn ash. The process can take a few hours with your pet being returned to you in a vessel of your choice within 5 business days.
  • Am I getting my pet's remains back?
    Being pet lovers and owners ourselves we understand how important it is to a pet owner to have just their pet returned to them. We promise that the ashes that are returned to you will be your pet. We have specific systems in place to ensure that only your pet is returned to you. From the moment we pick your pet up to the time it is returned to you your pet will have their identification card that remain with them throughout our processes. In addition, our cremators have been purpose-built to only take one pet at a time. With these processes in place we can 100% guarantee that only your pet will be returned to you.
  • Can you cremate any pet?
    We know that pets come in all shapes and sizes and we have the facilities to cremate all types of pets from snakes, lizards, rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, ferrets, dogs and cats. If you have a larger pet such as a sheep, alpaca or horse we can make arrangements for them also. At Midcoast Pet Cremations we understand that any animal can become a beloved family pet, so we are more than willing to accommodate you. If you are unsure, please don’t hesitate to ask.
  • Where are you located?
    We operate Midcoast Pet Cremations from our home at Nabiac, NSW.
  • What areas do you go to?
    We service all areas of the mid coast of NSW. As far south as xxx, west to xxx, east to xxx and north to xxx.
  • What happens with the collection and return of my pet?
    Your pet can be collected and returned to either your home or vet. We will have your pet returned to either your vet or home within 5 business days.
  • How do I organise to have my pet collected by you?
    We understand that the process of organising your pet’s cremation can be overwhelming and with our pet’s being an important part of our lives you want to make sure that you are comfortable in selecting the cremation vessel for you pet. You can view all our cremation vessels and options on our website or your vet will have a coloured brochure with these options. If your pet passes away at your veterinary clinic, you can inform them that you would like Midcoast Pet Cremations to look after your pet for you. They will contact us, and we will collect your pet from your veterinary clinic. We will contact you once we have collected your pet s you know they are with us. When your pet is ready to be returned to you, we will contact you to advise you that your pet will be available to be collected from your veterinary clinic. If you your passes at home, you can call us directly on 1300 424 505 and will organise to collect your pet as soon as possible. Again, we will call you when your pet is ready to come home and organise a time to return your pet to you.
  • When will my pet be collected?
    Your pet will be collected as soon as possible, once we receive notification of their passing.
  • My pet has died at home, what do I do with their body while I am waiting for collection?
    Call us as soon as your pet has passed, and we will organise to collect it from your home or veterinary clinic. If you pet has died at home wrap it up in a blanket or towel and place them in a cool spot like the laundry, bathroom, or garage floor. We recommend putting some plastic on the concrete floor underneath your pet because sometime bodily fluids can leak from your pet. We will be there shortly!
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